FNLM Update on the Native Voices Exhibition

The Native Voices exhibition in the NLM Rotunda closed July 17, 2015 but you can still visit it…

  • Online:
    Native Voices: Native Peoples’ Concepts of Health and Illness
    The Native Voices website includes all of the exhibition’s video interviews, historical timeline content, and images of some objects and artifacts formerly on display. In addition, you can download all of the exhibition’s video content, the timeline, and selected images from either the iTunes or Android app stores.
  • At an ALA Tour location near you:
    Native Voices is now available as a traveling exhibition on the ALA 2016-2020 tour, which we invite you to visit when it is in your vicinity. For ALA host locations, see https://apply.ala.org/nativevoices/exhibit-sites. The detailed tour schedule can be downloaded here. For further information contact the ALA Public Programs Office, email: publicprograms@ala.org, phone: 1-800-545-2433, ext. 5045.
  • At the National Library of Medicine main building in Bethesda, MD
    Or, if you’re planning to be in the Washington, DC area, come see the Healing Totem Pole, installed outside the main entrance to the National Library of Medicine as part of the original Native Voices exhibition. The display includes the pole and two carved benches, with interpretive signage, and is adjacent to NLM’s healing plant garden. It is open to NIH visitors during daylight hours. Also, the traveling version of Native Voices is on display in the NLM Rotunda in the NLM main building on the NIH campus, known as Building 38. The unit on display has six banners and six iPads, from which visitors can view the entire Native Voices video content and extensive other material that supplements the banners. The NLM rotunda is open Monday through Friday 8:30am to 5:00pm, except for Federal holidays. Questions or comments for NLM may be directed to https://www.nlm.nih.gov/nativevoices/traveling/contact.html